- I was looking at a Youtube Short today. Apparently it is bad to "sing from your throat" and it's better to sing from your mouth
- So I looked at this article that explains to me how to sing more from my mouth
- I have to sing from my diaphgram? That doesn't make any sense. How does singing from my diaphragm help me sing better. Well, I do notice that my lips vibrate more when I sing from my diaphragm. Perhaps I should take larger breaths to bring awareness to my diaphragm
- I can also do a nice yawn before every note to really get that relaxed sense. Hmm, okay that helps
- Breathing a lot and good posture is good. Oof that will take a long time to get good at.
- Relax your throat?? Okay I have no idea how to do that besides repeating the last instructions
- And also, it's nice to drink a warm cup of tea to keep the throat healthy. Awww how sweet.
- Well, the impressions I got from this article was to be relaxed, and also to yawn a lot. Very interesting..