- Example Voting App
- I started up the docker containers. However, now I want to exit the containers, but they keep restarting. How to close them?
- I wanted to experiment and learn more about docker. I ended up downloading
ExampleVoting- and ended up running this command called "docker swarm". Apparently it has these resiliency measures where if you close down a docker container, it will keep restarting it.
- I ended up giving up on trying to close it down, because it kept just reopening every single time that I closed it.
- However, this link gave me a list of swarm commands
DockerSwarm- And it said if I do "docker swarm rm" Then it removes the service, and it will officially remove it, rather than just stopping docker container and having it boot up again.
- Good to know, if I docker swarm init, I have to docker swarm rm to stop the containers. This is a way to stop against unintended containers crashing